Are you a very recent addict to John Dickson Carr’s books and looking for what to read next? Don’t worry, we are here to help you with a complete list of John Dickson Carr books in order!
John Dickson Carr was a bestselling American author mainly known for his detective stories. He was also writing under the pseudonyms Carter Dickson, Carr Dickson, and Roger Fairbairn.
Many John Dickson Carr works were adopted into movies including The man with a cloak, The Emperor’s Snuffbox, La Chambre ardente and The Burning Court. A number of his works also were adopted for the TV series.
We looked at all of the books authored by John Dickson Carr and bring a list of John Dickson Carr’s books in order for you to minimize your hassle at the time of choosing the best reading order.
Hope this article about John Dickson Carr books in order will help you when choosing the reading order for his books and make your book selection process easier and faster.
Happy reading!
John Dickson Carr Books In Order
You have eleven options when choosing the reading order for John Dickson Carr’s books:
- Department D-3 Books
- Dr. Gideon Fell Books
- Henri Bencolin Books
- Sir Henry Merrivale Books
- Standalone Novels
- Short Story Collections
- Non-Fiction Books
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents Books
- John Dickson Carr Omnibus Books
- British Library Crime Classics Books
- Anthologies
John Dickson Carr’s Department D-3 Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Department D-3 books:
- The Department of Queer Complaints (As: Carter Dickson) (1940)
- The Men Who Explained Miracles (1963)
John Dickson Carr’s Dr. Gideon Fell Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Dr. Gideon Fell books:
- Hag’s Nook (1932)
- The Mad Hatter Mystery (1933)
- The Eight of Swords (1934)
- The Blind Barber (1934)
- The Three Coffins (1935)
- The Hollow Man (1935)
- Death-Watch (1935)
- The Arabian Nights Murder (1936)
- The Crooked Hinge (1937)
- To Wake the Dead (1938)
- The Problem of the Green Capsule (1939)
- The Problem of the Wire Cage (1939)
- The Man Who Could Not Shudder (1940)
- The Case of the Constant Suicides (1941)
- Death Turns the Tables (1941)
- Till Death Do Us Part (1944)
- He Who Whispers (1946)
- The Sleeping Sphinx (1947)
- Below Suspicion (1949)
- The Dead Man’s Knock (1958)
- In Spite of Thunder (1960)
- The House at Satan’s Elbow (1965)
- Panic in Box C (1966)
- Dark of the Moon (1967)
- Seat of the Scornful (1980)
- Fell and Foul Play (1991)
John Dickson Carr’s Henri Bencolin Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Henri Bencolin books:
- It Walks by Night (1930)
- Castle Skull (1931)
- The Lost Gallows (1931)
- The Corpse in the Waxworks (1932)
- The Four False Weapons (1937)
John Dickson Carr’s Sir Henry Merrivale Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Sir Henry Merrivale books:
- The Plague Court Murders (1934)
- The White Priory Murders (1934)
- The Red Widow Murders (1935)
- The Unicorn Murders (1935)
- The Punch and Judy Murders (1936)
- The Peacock Feather Murders (1937)
- The Ten Teacups (1937)
- The Judas Window (1938)
- Death in Five Boxes (1938)
- The Reader Is Warned (1939)
- Nine and Death Makes Ten (1940)
- And So to Murder (1940)
- Murder in the Submarine Zone (1940)
- Seeing Is Believing (1941)
- The Gilded Man (1942)
- She Died A Lady (1943)
- He Wouldn’t Kill Patience (1944)
- The Curse of the Bronze Lamp (1945)
- Lord of the Sorcerers (1945)
- My Late Wives (1946)
- The Skeleton in the Clock (1948)
- A Graveyard to Let (1949)
- Night at the Mocking Widow (1950)
- Behind the Crimson Blind (1952)
- The Cavalier’s Cup (1953)
- Red Widow Murders (1967)
- Merrivale, March and Murder (1991)
- Merrivale Holds the Key (1995)
John Dickson Carr’s Standalone Novels In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Standalone Novels:
- Poison in Jest (1932)
- The Murder of Sir Edmund Godfrey (1936)
- The Burning Court (1937)
- Fatal Descent (1939)
- The Emperor’s Snuff-Box (1942)
- The Bride of Newgate (1950)
- The Devil in Velvet (1951)
- The Nine Wrong Answers (1952)
- Captain Cut-Throat (1955)
- 365+1 (1956)
- Fear Is the Same (1956)
- Fire, Burn! (1957)
- Scandal at High Chimneys (1959)
- The Demoniacs (1961)
- The Witch of the Low Tide (1961)
- Most Secret (1964)
- Papa La-Bas (1968)
- The Ghosts’ High Noon (1969)
- Deadly Hall (1971)
- The Hungry Goblin (1972)
John Dickson Carr’s Short Story Collections In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Short Story Collections books:
- The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes (1954)
- The New Exploits of Sherlock Holmes (1954)
- The Door To Doom, And Other Detections (1980)
- The Dead Sleep Lightly and Other Mysteries from Radio’s Golden Age (1983)
- 13 to the Gallows (2008)
- The Third Bullet and Other Stories (2020)
John Dickson Carr’s Non-Fiction Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Non-Fiction books:
- The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1949)
John Dickson Carr’s Alfred Hitchcock Presents Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Alfred Hitchcock Presents books:
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories That Go Bump in the Night (1940)
- Stories They Wouldn’t Let Me Do on TV (1957)
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents 13 More Stories They Wouldn’t Let Me Do on TV (By: Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, Robert Arthur, Roald Dahl) (1957)
- 12 Stories They Wouldn’t Let Me Do on TV (By: Robert Arthur) (1957)
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents Stories for Late at Night (By: Robert Arthur) (1961)
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: More Stories for Late at Night (1962)
- Alfred Hitchcock’s A Hangman’s Dozen (By: Donald E Westlake, Ray Bradbury, Robert Arthur, Richard Matheson, Richard Stark) (1962)
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories My Mother Never Told Me (By: Shirley Jackson, Robert Arthur, Richard Matheson, F. Scott Fitzgerald) (1963)
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories Not for the Nervous (As: Carter Dickson, With: Ellis Peters, Dorothy L Sayers, Ray Bradbury, Robert Arthur, Richard Matheson, Michael Gilbert, Julian May, Margot Bennett) (1965)
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: A Month Of Mystery (1970)
- Down by the Old Blood Stream (1971)
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Master’s Choice (1979)
- Stories That Go Bump In The Night: V. 1 (1982)
John Dickson Carr’s Omnibus Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Omnibus books:
- Sleeping Sphinx / Beagle Scented Murder / Death of a Doll (1948)
- Crime on the Coast & No Flowers by Request (1984)
- The Hollow Man & The House in Gallows Lane (1997)
- Locked Rooms: The Three Coffins; To Wake the Dead; The Skeleton in the Clock (2008)
- The John Dickson Carr Companion (2015)
John Dickson Carr’s British Library Crime Classics Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s British Library Crime Classics books:
- The Notting Hill Mystery (By: Charles Warren Adams) (1862)
- The Female Detective (By: Andrew Forrester) (1864)
- The Great Impersonation (By: E. Phillips Oppenheim) (1920)
- The Poisoned Chocolates Case (By: Anthony Berkeley) (1929)
- It Walks by Night (1930)
- The Secret of High Eldersham (By: Miles Burton) (1930)
- Castle Skull (1931)
- Mystery in the Channel (By: Freeman Wills Crofts) (1931)
- The Incredible Crime (By: Lois Austen-Leigh) (1931)
- Murder of a Lady (By: Anthony Wynne) (1931)
- The Lost Gallows (1931)
- The Z Murders (By: J. Jefferson Farjeon) (1931)
- The Corpse in the Waxworks (1932)
- The Division Bell Mystery (By: Ellen Wilkinson) (1932)
- The Hog’s Back Mystery (By: Freeman Wills Crofts) (1933)
- Portrait of a Murderer (By: Anne Meredith) (1933)
- Death in Fancy Dress (By: Anthony Gilbert) (1933)
- Family Matters (By: Anthony Rolls) (1933)
- Weekend at Thrackley (By: Alan Melville) (1934)
- The Murder of My Aunt (By: Richard Hull) (1934)
- Quick Curtain (By: Alan Melville) (1934)
- Murder Underground (By: Mavis Doriel Hay) (1934)
- Scarweather (By: Anthony Rolls) (1934)
- Death of an Airman (By: Christopher St. John Sprigg) (1934)
- The Spy Paramount (By: E. Phillips Oppenheim) (1934)
- The 12.30 from Croydon (By: Freeman Wills Crofts) (1934)
- The Chianti Flask (By: Marie Belloc Lowndes) (1934)
- The Lake District Murder (By: John Bude) (1935)
- Death on the Cherwell (By: Mavis Doriel Hay) (1935)
- The Cornish Coast Murder (By: John Bude) (1935)
- Death of Anton (By: Alan Melville) (1936)
- Death in the Tunnel (By: Miles Burton) (1936)
- The Traitor (By: Sydney Horler) (1936)
- The Santa Klaus Murder (By: Mavis Doriel Hay) (1936)
- The Sussex Downs Murder (By: John Bude) (1936)
- Murder in Piccadilly (By: Charles Kingston) (1936)
- Mystery in White (By: J. Jefferson Farjeon) (1937)
- Bats in the Belfry (By: E.C.R. Lorac) (1937)
- The Cheltenham Square Murder (By: John Bude) (1937)
- Excellent Intentions (By: Richard Hull) (1938)
- Murder in the Museum (By: John Rowland) (1938)
- Antidote to Venom (By: Freeman Wills Crofts) (1938)
- Thirteen Guests (By: J. Jefferson Farjeon) (1938)
- The Port of London Murders (By: Josephine Bell) (1938)
- The Arsenal Stadium Mystery (By: Leonard R. Gribble) (1939)
- Seven Dead (By: J. Jefferson Farjeon) (1939)
- Verdict of Twelve (By: Raymond Postgate) (1940)
- A Scream in Soho (By: John G. Brandon) (1940)
- Death of a Busybody (By: George Bellairs) (1942)
- The Dead Shall be Raised & Murder of a Quack (By: George Bellairs) (1942)
- Somebody at the Door (By: Raymond Postgate) (1943)
- Murder’s a Swine: A Second World War Mystery (By: Nap Lombard) (1943)
- Checkmate to Murder (By: E.C.R. Lorac) (1944)
- Fell Murder (By: E.C.R. Lorac) (1944)
- Murder by Matchlight (By: E.C.R. Lorac) (1945)
- Trouble on the Thames (By: Victor Bridges) (1945)
- Fire in the Thatch (By: E.C.R. Lorac) (1946)
- Death Makes a Prophet (By: John Bude) (1947)
- Smallbone Deceased (By: Michael Gilbert) (1950)
- Calamity in Kent (By: John Rowland) (1950)
- Death Has Deep Roots (By: Michael Gilbert) (1951)
- The Danger Within / Death in Captivity (By: Michael Gilbert) (1952)
- Murder in the Mill-Race (By: E.C.R. Lorac) (1952)
- Crossed Skis (By: Carol Carnac) (1952)
- Death on the Riviera (By: John Bude) (1952)
- The Man Who Didn’t Fly (By: Margot Bennett) (1955)
- The Colour Of Murder (By: Julian Symons) (1957)
- The Christmas Egg (By: Mary Kelly) (1958)
- The Progress of a Crime (By: Julian Symons) (1960)
- Sergeant Cluff Stands Firm (By: Gil North) (1960)
- The Methods of Sergeant Cluff (By: Gil North) (1961)
- The Spoilt Kill (By: Mary Kelly) (1961)
- The Body in the Dumb River (By: George Bellairs) (1961)
- Due to a Death (By: Mary Kelly) (1963)
- Surfeit of Suspects (By: George Bellairs) (1964)
- The Belting Inheritance (By: Julian Symons) (1965)
- The Last Best Friend (By: George Sims) (1967)
- The End of the Web (By: George Sims) (1976)
- Capital Crimes: London Mysteries (By: Martin Edwards) (2015)
- Resorting to Murder (By: Martin Edwards) (2015)
- Silent Nights (By: Martin Edwards) (2015)
- Murder at the Manor (By: Martin Edwards) (2016)
- Serpents in Eden (By: Martin Edwards) (2016)
- Crimson Snow (By: Martin Edwards) (2016)
- Foreign Bodies (By: Martin Edwards) (2017)
- The Long Arm of the Law (By: Martin Edwards) (2017)
- Miraculous Mysteries (By: Martin Edwards) (2017)
- Continental Crimes (By: Martin Edwards) (2017)
- Blood on the Tracks (By: Martin Edwards) (2018)
- The Christmas Card Crime and Other Stories (By: Martin Edwards) (2018)
- Golden Age of Detection Puzzle Book (By: Kate Jackson) (2018)
- Deep Waters: Murder on the Waves (By: Martin Edwards) (2019)
- The Measure of Malice (By: Martin Edwards) (2019)
- The Pocket Detective 2: 100+ More Puzzles, Brainteasers and Conundrums (By: Kate Jackson) (2019)
- Settling Scores: Sporting Mysteries (By: Martin Edwards) (2020)
- A Surprise for Christmas and Other Seasonal Mysteries (By: Martin Edwards) (2020)
- Two-Way Murder (By: E.C.R. Lorac) (2021)
- Guilty Creatures: A Menagerie of Mysteries (By: Martin Edwards) (2021)
John Dickson Carr’s Anthologies In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading John Dickson Carr’s Anthologies books:
- All but Impossible! (1981)
- Great Stories of Mystery and Suspense (1981)
- Deadly Arts (1985)
Your Thoughts About John Dickson Carr Books In Order
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