Are you a very recent addict to Garth Nix’s books and looking for what to read next? Don’t worry, we are here to help you with a complete list of Garth Nix books in order!
Garth Nix is an award-winning and bestselling Australian writer, best known for children’s and young adult fantasy novels. Before becoming a full-time writer, he worked as a bookseller, book sales representative, publicist, editor, and literary agent.
Garth Nix’s is mostly famous for the Old Kingdom, Seventh Tower, and Keys to the Kingdom book series. His books have been sold over five million copies and have been translated into more than 40 languages around the world.
We looked at all the books authored by Garth Nix and bring a list of Garth Nix’s books in order for you to minimize your hassle at the time of choosing the best reading order.
Hope this article about Garth Nix books in order will help you when choosing the reading order for his books and make your book selection process easier and faster.
Happy reading!
Garth Nix Books In Order
You have sixteen options when choosing the reading order for Garth Nix’s books:
- Old Kingdom Books
- Have Sword, Will Travel Books
- The Seventh Tower Books
- Aussie Bites Books
- The Keys to the Kingdom Books
- Troubletwisters Books
- Spirit Animals Books
- Shade’s Children Books
- Standalone Novels
- Short Stories/Novellas
- Short Story Collections
- Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz Books
- The Best Horror of the Year Anthology Books
- The Best Horror of the Year Anthology Books
- The X-Files: Young Adult Books
- Anthologies
Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom books:
- Sabriel (1995)
- Lirael (2001)
- Abhorsen (2003)
- The Creature in the Case (2005)
- Clairel: The Lost Abhorsen (2014)
- Goldenhand (2016)
- Terciel and Elinor (2021)
Garth Nix’s Have Sword, Will Travel Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Have Sword, Will Travel books:
- Have Sword, Will Travel (2017)
- Let Sleeping Dragons Lie (2018)
Garth Nix’s The Seventh Tower Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s The Seventh Tower books:
- The Fall (2000)
- Castle (2000)
- Aenir (2000)
- Above the Veil (2001)
- Into Battle (2001)
- The Violet Keystone (2001)
Garth Nix’s Aussie Bites Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Aussie Bites books:
- Serena and the Sea Serpent (2000)
Garth Nix’s The Keys to the Kingdom Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s The Keys to the Kingdom books:
- Mister Monday (2003)
- Grim Tuesday (2004)
- Drowned Wednesday (2004)
- Sir Thursday (2006)
- Lady Friday (2007)
- Superior Saturday (2008)
- Lord Sunday (2010)
Garth Nix’s Troubletwisters Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Troubletwisters books:
- Troubletwisters (2011)
- The Monster (2011)
- The Mystery (2013)
- The Missing (2014)
Garth Nix’s Spirit Animals Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Spirit Animals books:
- Blood Ties (With: Sean Williams) (2014)
Garth Nix’s Shade’s Children Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Shade’s Children books:
- Shade’s Children (1997)
Garth Nix’s Standalone Novels In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Standalone Novels:
- The Ragwitch (1990)
- A Confusion of Princes (2012)
- Newt’s Emerald (2013)
- Frogkisser! (2017)
- Angel Mage (2019)
- The Left-Handed Booksellers of London (2020)
Garth Nix’s Short Stories/Novellas In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Short Stories/Novellas books:
- Fire Above, Fire Below (2013)
- Dislocation Space (2019)
- The Case of the Somewhat Mythic Sword (2020)
Garth Nix’s Short Story Collections In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Short Story Collections books:
- Across the Wall: Tales of the Old Kingdom and Beyond (2005)
- Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz (2006)
- One Beastly Beast: Two Aliens, Three Inventors, Four Fantastic Tales (2007)
- To Hold the Bridge (2015)
Garth Nix’s Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz books:
- Fast Ships, Black Sails (2008)
Garth Nix’s The Best Horror of the Year Anthology Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s The Best Horror of the Year Anthology books:
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume One (2009)
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Two (2010)
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Three (2011)
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Four (2012)
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Five (2013)
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Six (2014)
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Seven (2015)
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Eight (2016)
- The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Nine (2017)
- The Best Horror of the Year Volume 10 (2018)
- The Best of the Best Horror of the Year: 10 Years of Essential Short Horror Fiction (2018)
- The Best Horror of the Year Volume 11 (2019)
- The Best Horror of the Year Volume 12 (2020)
Garth Nix’s The Best Horror of the Year Anthology Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s The Best Horror of the Year Anthology books:
- The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2010 (2011)
- The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2010 (2011)
- The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2011 (2012)
- The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2011 (2012)
- The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2012 (2013)
- The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013 (2014)
- The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2014 (2015)
- The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2015 (2017)
Garth Nix’s The X-Files: Young Adult Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s The X-Files: Young Adult books:
- Bad Sign (By: Neal Shusterman) (1996)
- Our Town (By: Eric Elfman) (1996)
- Control (By: Cliff Nielsen, Everett Owens) (1996)
- The Calusari (1997)
- Eve (By: Ellen Steiber) (1997)
- The Host (By: Les Martin) (1997)
- Fresh Bones (By: Les Martin) (1997)
- Empathy (By: Ellen Steiber) (1998)
- Grotesque (By: Ellen Steiber) (1998)
- Quarantine (By: Les Martin) (1998)
- Howlers (By: Everett Owens) (1998)
- Hungry Ghosts (By: Ellen Steiber) (1998)
- Haunted (By: Ellen Steiber) (1998)
- Miracle Man (By: Terry Bisson) (1998)
- Regeneration (By: Everett Owens) (1999)
Garth Nix’s Anthologies In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Garth Nix’s Anthologies books:
- Fantastic Worlds (1999)
- Kids’ Night In (2005)
- Midnight Feast (2007)
- Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd (2009)
- Legends of Australian Fantasy (2010)
- Ghosts by Gaslight (2011)
- Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron (2012)
- After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia (2012)
- Rogues (2014)
- The Unicorn Anthology (2017)
- Three Sides of a Heart (2017)
- Relics, Wrecks and Ruins (2021)
- Shapers of Worlds Volume II (2021)
Your Thoughts About Garth Nix Books In Order
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