Are you a very recent addict to Evelyn Waugh’s books and looking for what to read next? Don’t worry, we are here to help you with a complete list of Evelyn Waugh books in order!
Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh, also known as Evelyn Waugh was an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books. He was also worked as a prolific journalist and book reviewer.
Evelyn Waugh is best known for his works include the Early Satires Decline and Fall and A Handful of Dust, and the novel Brideshead Revisited. He is named one of the great prose stylists of English literature in the 20th century.
We looked at all of the books authored by Evelyn Waugh and bring a list of Evelyn Waugh’s books in order for you to minimize your hassle at the time of choosing the best reading order.
Hope this article about Evelyn Waugh books in order will help you when choosing the reading order for his books and make your book selection process easier and faster.
Happy reading!
Evelyn Waugh Books In Order
You have five options when choosing the reading order for Evelyn Waugh’s books:
- Sword of Honour Books
- Standalone Novels
- Short Story Collections
- Chapbooks
- Non-Fiction Books
Evelyn Waugh’s Sword of Honour Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Evelyn Waugh’s Sword of Honour books:
- Men at Arms (1952)
- Officers and Gentlemen (1955)
- Unconditional Surrender / The End of the Battle (1961)
Evelyn Waugh’s Standalone Novels In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Evelyn Waugh’s Standalone Novels:
- Decline and Fall (1928)
- Vile Bodies (1930)
- Black Mischief (1932)
- A Handful of Dust (1934)
- Scoop (1938)
- Put Out More Flags (1943)
- Brideshead Revisited (1945)
- The Loved One (1948)
- Helena (1950)
- The Holy Places (1952)
- Love Among the Ruins (1953)
- Tactical Exercise/The Wish (1954)
- Basil Seal Rides Again (1963)
Evelyn Waugh’s Short Story Collections In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Evelyn Waugh’s Short Story Collections books:
- Mr Loveday’s Little Outing & Other Early Stories (1936)
- Work Suspended and other stories including Basil Seal Rides Again (1938)
- The Ordeal Of Gilbert Pinfold (1957)
- Selected Works (1977)
- Charles Ryder’s Schooldays and Other Stories (1982)
- Complete Short Stories (1997)
- The Complete Stories of Evelyn Waugh (1997)
Evelyn Waugh’s Chapbooks In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Evelyn Waugh’s Chapbooks books:
- On Guard, Bella Fleace Gave A Party (2000)
Evelyn Waugh’s Non-Fiction Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading Evelyn Waugh’s Non-Fiction books:
- Labels (1930)
- Remote People (1930)
- Ninety Two Days (1934)
- Saint Edmund Campion (1935)
- Waugh In Abyssinia (1936)
- Robbery Under Law (1939)
- When the Going Was Good (1946)
- The Life of Right Reverend Ronald Knox / Ronald Knox (1959)
- A Tourist in Africa (1960)
- A Little Learning (1964)
- Rossetti (1975)
- Diaries Of Evelyn Waugh (1976)
- A Little Order (1977)
- The Letters of Evelyn Waugh (1980)
- Essays, Articles and Reviews (1983)
- Mr Wu & Mrs Stitch (With: Diana Cooper) (1991)
- The Letters of Evelyn Waugh and Diana Cooper (1991)
- Sayings of Evelyn Waugh (1996)
- The Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh (1996)
- Two Lives: Edmund Campion: Scholar, Priest, Hero and Martyr AND Life of Ronald Knox (2002)
- Seven Deadly Sins (With: Angus Wilson) (2002)
- Waugh Abroad (2003)
- The Coronation of Haile Selassie (2005)
Your Thoughts About Evelyn Waugh Books In Order
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