Are you a very recent addict to David Drake’s books and looking for what to read next? Don’t worry, we are here to help you with a complete list of David Drake books in order!
David Drake is an award winning and bestselling American author of science fiction and fantasy literature. He is a Vietnam War veteran and also worked as a lawyer, he is now a writer in the military science fiction genre.
Currently, Drake lives with his family in rural North Carolina.
We looked at all of the books authored by David Drake and bring a list of David Drake’s books in order for you to minimize your hassle at the time of choosing the best reading order.
Hope this article about David Drake books in order will help you when choosing the reading order for his books and make your book selection process easier and faster.
Happy reading!
David Drake Books In Order
You have thirty-two options when choosing the reading order for David Drake’s books:
- Hammer’s Slammers Books
- Hammerverse Books
- ARC Riders Books
- Battlestations Books
- Belisarius Books
- The Books of the Elements Books
- Car Warriors Books
- Citizen Books
- Crisis of Empire Books
- Crown Of The Isles Books
- The Fleet Books
- Heroes In Hell Books
- Lt. Leary / RCN Books
- Lord of the Isles Books
- Northworld Books
- Raj Whitehall/The General Books
- Ranks Of Bronze Books
- Reaches Books
- Seas of Venus Books
- Starhunters Books
- Thieves’ World Novels Books
- Time of Heroes Books
- Tom Kelly Books
- War and Honor Books
- World Of Crystal Walls Books
- Standalone Novels
- Short Story Collections
- Non-Fiction Books
- The Book of Cthulhu Books
- Heroes in Hell Books
- Magic: The Gathering: Anthology Books
- Anthologies
David Drake’s Hammer’s Slammers Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Hammer’s Slammers books:
- Hammer’s Slammers (1979)
- At Any Price (1985)
- Counting the Cost (1987)
- Rolling Hot (1989)
- The Warrior (1991)
- The Sharp End (1993)
- Paying the Piper (2002)
- The Complete Hammer’s Slammers Volume 1 (2005)
- The Complete Hammer’s Slammers Volume 2 (2006)
- The Complete Hammer’s Slammers Volume 3 (2007)
David Drake’s Hammerverse Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Hammerverse books:
- The Forlorn Hope (1984)
- Cross The Stars (1984)
- The Voyage (1994)
David Drake’s ARC Riders Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s ARC Riders books:
- ARC Riders (1995)
- The Fourth Rome (1996)
David Drake’s Battlestations Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Battlestations books:
- Battlestations (1992)
- The Vanguard (1993)
David Drake’s Belisarius Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Belisarius books:
- An Oblique Approach (With: Eric Flint) (1998)
- In the Heart of Darkness (With: Eric Flint) (1998)
- Destiny’s Shield (With: Eric Flint) (1999)
- Fortune’s Stroke (With: Eric Flint) (2000)
- The Tide of Victory (With: Eric Flint) (2001)
- The Dance of Time (With: Eric Flint) (2006)
David Drake’s The Books of the Elements Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s The Books of the Elements books:
- The Legions of Fire (2010)
- Out of the Waters (2011)
- Monsters of the Earth (2013)
- Air and Darkness (2015)
David Drake’s Car Warriors Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Car Warriors books:
- The Square Deal (1992)
David Drake’s Citizen Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Citizen books:
- Into the Hinterlands (2011)
- Into the Maelstrom (2015)
David Drake’s Crisis of Empire Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Crisis of Empire books:
- An Honorable Defense (1988)
- Cluster Command (By: William C. Dietz) (1989)
- The War Machine (1989)
- Crown of Empire (With: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro) (2012)
David Drake’s Crown Of The Isles Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Crown Of The Isles books:
- The Fortress of Glass (2006)
- The Mirror of Worlds (2007)
- The Gods Return (2008)
David Drake’s The Fleet Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s The Fleet books:
- The Fleet (1988)
- Counter Attack (1988)
- Breakthrough (1989)
- Sworn Allies (1990)
- Total War (1990)
- Crisis (1991)
David Drake’s Heroes In Hell Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Heroes In Hell books:
- Masters in Hell (With: C.J. Cherryh) (1987)
- Explorers in Hell (1989)
David Drake’s Lt. Leary / RCN Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Lt. Leary / RCN books:
- With the Lightnings (1998)
- Lt. Leary, Commanding (2000)
- The Far Side of the Stars (2003)
- The Way to Glory (2005)
- Some Golden Harbor (2006)
- When the Tide Rises (2008)
- In the Stormy Red Sky (2009)
- What Distant Deeps (2010)
- The Road of Danger (2012)
- The Sea Without a Shore (2014)
- Death’s Bright Day (2016)
- Though Hell Should Bar the Way (2018)
- To Clear Away the Shadows (2019)
David Drake’s Lord of the Isles Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Lord of the Isles books:
- Lord of the Isles (1997)
- Queen of Demons (1998)
- Servant of the Dragon (1999)
- Mistress of the Catacombs (2001)
- Goddess of the Ice Realm (2003)
- Master of the Cauldron (2004)
David Drake’s Northworld Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Northworld books:
- Northworld (1990)
- Vengeance (1991)
- Justice (1992)
David Drake’s Raj Whitehall/The General Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Raj Whitehall/The General books:
- The Forge (With: S.M. Stirling) (1991)
- The Hammer (With: S.M. Stirling) (1992)
- The Anvil (With: S.M. Stirling) (1993)
- The Steel (With: S.M. Stirling) (1993)
- The Sword (With: S.M. Stirling) (1995)
- The Chosen (With: S.M. Stirling) (1996)
- The Reformer (With: S.M. Stirling) (1999)
- The Tyrant (With: Eric Flint) (2002)
- The Heretic (2013)
- The Savior (2014)
David Drake’s Ranks Of Bronze Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Ranks Of Bronze books:
- Ranks of Bronze (1986)
David Drake’s Reaches Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Reaches books:
- Igniting the Reaches (1994)
- Through the Breach (1995)
- Fireships (1996)
David Drake’s Seas of Venus Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Seas of Venus books:
- Surface Action (1990)
- The Jungle (1992)
David Drake’s Starhunters Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Starhunters books:
- Men Hunting Things (1988)
- Things Hunting Men (1988)
- Bluebloods (1990)
David Drake’s Thieves’ World Novels Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Thieves’ World Novels books:
- Dagger (1988)
David Drake’s Time of Heroes Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Time of Heroes books:
- The Spark (2017)
- The Storm (2019)
- The Serpent (2021)
David Drake’s Tom Kelly Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Tom Kelly books:
- Skyripper (1983)
- Fortress (1987)
David Drake’s War and Honor Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s War and Honor books:
- Blood and War (1993)
David Drake’s World Of Crystal Walls Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s World Of Crystal Walls books:
- The Sea Hag (1988)
David Drake’s Standalone Novels In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Standalone Novels:
- Dragon Lord (1979)
- Birds of Prey (1984)
- Killer (1985)
- Active Measures (1985)
- Strangers and Lovers (1985)
- Bridgehead (1986)
- Lacey and His Friends (1986)
- Kill Ratio (1987)
- Vettius and His Friends (1989)
- The Undesired Princess and the Enchanted Bunny (With: L. Sprague de Camp) (1990)
- The Hunter Returns (With: Jim Kjelgaard) (1991)
- Old Nathan (1991)
- Starliner (1992)
- Tyrannosaur (1994)
- Enemy of My Enemy (1995)
- Redliners (1996)
- Patriots (1996)
- Other Times Than Peace (2006)
- Voyage Across the Stars (2012)
- Dinosaurs & a Dirigible (2014)
David Drake’s Short Story Collections In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Short Story Collections books:
- Time Safari (1982)
- From the Heart of Darkness (1983)
- The Military Dimension (1991)
- The Military Dimension Mark II (1995)
- All the Way to the Gallows (1996)
- Grimmer Than Hell (2003)
- Balefires (2007)
- NightDemons (2012)
David Drake’s Non-Fiction Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Non-Fiction books:
- Window of Opportunity (1984)
David Drake’s The Book of Cthulhu Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s The Book of Cthulhu books:
- The Book of Cthulhu (2011)
- The Book of Cthulhu II (2012)
David Drake’s Heroes in Hell Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Heroes in Hell books:
- Heroes in Hell (By: C.J. Cherryh, Gregory Benford, Janet E. Morris, Chris Morris) (1986)
- The Gates of Hell (By: C.J. Cherryh, Janet E. Morris) (1986)
- Kings in Hell (By: C.J. Cherryh, Janet E. Morris) (1987)
- Crusaders in Hell (With: C.J. Cherryh, Gregory Benford, Janet E. Morris, Chris Morris) (1987)
- Angels in Hell (By: Janet E. Morris) (1987)
- The Little Helliad (By: Janet E. Morris, Chris Morris) (1988)
- War in Hell (By: Janet E. Morris) (1988)
- Prophets in Hell (With: C.J. Cherryh, Robert Sheckley, Janet E. Morris, Chris Morris) (1989)
- Lawyers in Hell (By: Janet E. Morris, Chris Morris, Jason Cordova) (2011)
- Poets in Hell (By: Janet E. Morris, Chris Morris) (2014)
David Drake’s Magic: The Gathering: Anthology Books In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Magic: The Gathering: Anthology books:
- Tapestries (1995)
- Magic: The Gathering Distant Planes (1996)
- Rath and Storm (By: Philip Athans, J. Robert King, Peter Archer, Kij Johnson, Michael G. Ryan) (1998)
- The Colors of Magic (By: Richard Lee Byers, Loren L. Coleman, Jeff Grubb, J. Robert King, Paul B. Thompson, Don Perrin, Vance Moore) (1999)
- The Myths of Magic (By: Philip Athans, Richard Lee Byers, J. Robert King, Paul B. Thompson, Scott McGough, Michael G. Ryan, Vance Moore) (2000)
- The Dragons of Magic (By:Edo Van Belkom, Brian M. Thomsen, J. Robert King, Paul B. Thompson, Scott McGough, Vance Moore) (2001)
- The Secrets of Magic (By: Philip Athans, J. Robert King, Paul B. Thompson, Scott McGough, Vance Moore, Cory J. Herndon) (2002)
- The Monsters of Magic (By: Brian M. Thomsen, J. Robert King, Paul B. Thompson, Stephen D. Sullivan, Scott McGough, Vance Moore) (2003)
- Path of the Planeswalker: A Magic: The Gathering Graphic Anthology (2009)
David Drake’s Anthologies In Order
We propose the following publication order when reading David Drake’s Anthologies books:
- Whispers (1977)
- The Third Omni Book of Science Fiction (1985)
- Robert Adams’ Book of Soldiers (1988)
- Power (1991)
- Cats in Space… and Other Places (1992)
- Foreign Legions (2001)
- The Warmasters (2002)
- Mountain Magic (2004)
- The Space Opera Renaissance (2006)
- Lest Darkness Fall & Related Stories (2011)
- The Book of Cthulhu (2011)
- Weird World War III (2020)
Your Thoughts About David Drake Books In Order
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